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AMO Council Overturns Cartel Decision in Gastrotechnology Procurement

15.07.2024 | 🇸🇰 Slovak competition authority

The Council of AMO reversed a decision imposing fines and procurement bans on parties involved in a cartel related to gastrotechnology public procurement.

The Council of the Antimonopoly Office of the Slovak Republic (AMO) overturned a previous decision that fined parties involved in a cartel agreement in gastrotechnology public procurement.

The Council found that the original decision lacked legal and logical considerations in relation to certain evidence, impacting the assessment of the case and the conclusions drawn about the participants.

As a result of the annulment, the case has been sent back to AMO's first-instance body for a new proceeding, requiring AMO to provide further justification for its conclusions.

The decision of the Council of AMO, which came into force on 26 June 2024, highlights the importance of thorough legal and logical considerations in competition cases.

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