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AMO Fines Entrepreneurs in Bus Transport for Abusing Dominant Position

25.06.2024 | 🇸🇰 Slovak competition authority

The Antimonopoly Office of the Slovak Republic imposed fines on two entrepreneurs in bus transport for charging unreasonably high fees to bus carriers, impacting public procurers and transport services in the region.

The Antimonopoly Office of the Slovak Republic (AMO) investigated the provision of services at bus stations in Žilina self-governing region (ŽSK) following a complaint.

AMO found that two entrepreneurs operating bus stations in ŽSK abused their dominant position by charging excessive fees to bus carriers, leading to an impact on public procurers and transport services in the region.

AMO imposed fines totaling over EUR 252 thousand on the entrepreneurs and required them to cease the behavior and rectify the situation within 60 days of the decision.

The increased costs for bus carriers ultimately affected public procurers who compensate for losses in operating suburban and urban public transport services.

Starting July 1, 2024, bus station services for carriers will be regulated by higher territorial units in Slovakia.

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