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07.07.2024 | 🇧🇪 Belgian competition authority
The Belgian Competition Authority (BCA) has condemned ANSUL, SOMATI FIE, and SICLI for bid rigging in the fire protection sector in Belgium from 2009 to 2016. The companies distorted competition and violated Belgian and European competition rules.
The cartel involved dividing public procurement contracts among themselves to retain customers by not bidding or submitting intentionally high bids. The BCA imposed a €2.2 million fine on SICLI, while ANSUL/SOMATI FIE received immunity for reporting under the leniency program. SICLI received a 50% fine reduction for cooperation.
The ANSUL/SOMATI FIE group committed to compensating victims. Six individuals were granted immunity from prosecution. The BCA encourages companies with cartel knowledge to report and potentially receive immunity or reduced penalties.
The BCA is an independent authority in Belgium that combats anti-competitive practices like cartels and abuses of dominance. It collaborates with other EU competition authorities through the European Competition Network (ECN).
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