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Autorité Clears JouéClub's Acquisition of Ludendo Assets with Divestiture Commitments

18.06.2024 | 🇫🇷 French competition authority

The Autorité de la concurrence approves JouéClub's takeover of Ludendo assets, subject to divestiture commitments for 6 stores, to address competition concerns.

The JouéClub group notified the Autorité de la concurrence of acquiring assets from the Ludendo group, including 89 La Grande Récré stores and 48 franchise contracts. The transaction was part of insolvency proceedings.

JouéClub and Ludendo are both active in the toy retailing sector in France. The Autorité identified competition risks in specific areas where the transaction could impact competition, leading to price increases or reduced offerings for consumers.

To address competition concerns, JouéClub committed to divesting stores in certain areas and ensuring that sufficient competition is maintained. The Autorité will approve the buyers to ensure they can provide a credible alternative in each area.

The store divestitures aim to maintain local competition by allowing competitors to take over stores with a change of banner, ensuring consumers have diverse options in terms of prices and products. The divestiture process will be closely monitored by the Autorité.

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