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20.08.2024 | 🇧🇪 Belgian competition authority
The Belgian Competition Authority (BCA) has been designated as a competent authority to receive reports of violations of national and European competition rules under the Whistleblowers Act. It has signed a Memorandum of agreement with the federal Ombudsman to formalize cooperation and information sharing between the two authorities.
Before being designated as a competent authority, the BCA established a reporting system compliant with Directive 2019/1937 and the Whistleblowers Act, allowing for fast, secure, and anonymous reporting of conduct that may breach competition rules.
The BCA's reporting system aims to enhance the detection of anti-competitive practices by undertakings and complements its leniency program, offering immunity from fines for undertakings that report secret cartels and cooperate with the BCA during investigations.
Undertakings seeking to report knowledge of or participation in a cartel to potentially obtain fine exemptions or reductions can contact the BCA's Prosecutor General at AUD@bma-abc.be.
The BCA is an independent administrative authority in Belgium that focuses on combating anti-competitive practices like cartels and abuses of dominant positions, as well as reviewing major merger operations. It collaborates with other competition authorities in the EU through the European Competition Network (ECN).
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