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Estonian Competition Authority Orders Price Reduction for Waste Collection Additional Service

22.10.2024 | 🇪🇪 Estonian competition authority

The Estonian Competition Authority issued an injunction to Eesti Keskkonnateenused AS regarding the prices set for waste collection additional services.

The Estonian Competition Authority instructed Eesti Keskkonnateenused AS to lower the price for container manual transport over 10 meters in 17 waste collection areas.

The Authority found that the prices set by the company were significantly higher than justified costs and reasonable profit for the additional service, including unjustified criteria like alleged lost revenue.

The company has challenged the injunction in court and requested a suspension of its enforcement until a court decision is reached.

The injunction affects waste collection pricing in various regions, and the company must comply by October 31, 2024.

The Estonian Competition Authority oversees competition in various sectors, including waste management, electricity, gas, heating, postal services, water supply, railways, aviation, and ports.

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