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Lecture on AI and Legal Challenges in Riga by Professor M. Constantinescu

04.06.2024 | 🇱🇻 Latvian competition authority

Professor Mihnea Constantinescu from Amsterdam University will deliver a lecture in Riga on machine learning, artificial intelligence, and the economic and legal challenges they pose.

On June 14th, the Latvian Law Institute will host a lecture by Professor M. Constantinescu on AI and its legal implications, lasting over two hours in English.

The event is supported by various organizations including the Supreme Court, Latvian Bar Association, and Competition Council, among others. Participation is free, but registration is required by emailing edijs.poga@lti.lv.

The Latvian Law Institute is an independent, non-political, non-profit organization focused on promoting the development of Latvian law and the country's democratic and legal principles.

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