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CCPC Seeks Input on Updated Merger Guidelines

30.09.2024 | 🇮🇪 Irish competition authority

The Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (CCPC) is seeking feedback on the proposed adoption of revised Merger Guidelines through a public consultation.

The CCPC has initiated a public consultation on the adoption of updated Merger Guidelines, inviting feedback from interested parties. The current guidelines were established in 2014 and outline the CCPC's approach to merger analysis to assess potential impacts on competition in goods or services markets.

The review aims to incorporate lessons learned over the past decade and align with international practices that have evolved to address new market dynamics. The consultation will focus on key areas such as the competition test, market definition, and evaluating the competitive effects of mergers.

Interested parties can participate in the consultation by submitting feedback via email to consultations@ccpc.ie. The consultation period will run from October 1 to October 29, 2024, providing an opportunity for stakeholders to contribute to shaping the updated Merger Guidelines.

Consult source

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