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17.01.2024 | 🇵🇱 Polish competition authority
The Polish Office of Competition and Consumer Protection (UOKiK) has intervened in the contract fattening system in the pig farming industry to protect farmers from unfair practices. After investigations into the practices of Agrifirm Polska and Agri Plus, the UOKiK found that their contracts did not adequately protect farmers from the risks associated with contract fattening. The UOKiK has ordered both companies to make changes to their practices, including provisions for animal and feed verification, complaint procedures, and pricing of pigs. The decisions aim to reduce risks and increase profitability for pig farmers involved in contract farming. The decisions also serve as a signal to other contract farming organizers to ensure fair risk and value distribution between the organizer and the farmer. The affected industry is Agriculture. The legal areas concerned are Unfair Competition and Consumer Rights. The legal issues involved include Unfair Use of Contractual Advantage and Risk Distribution.
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