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CMA Raises Concerns Over Vodafone / Three Merger Impact on UK Mobile Market

13.09.2024 | 🇬🇧 UK competition authority

The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) provisionally finds that the Vodafone / Three merger in the UK could result in higher prices for mobile customers and reduced competition in the market.

The CMA's investigation into the Vodafone / Three merger in the UK has raised competition concerns, indicating potential price increases for mobile customers or reduced services like smaller data packages. This could disproportionately affect customers least able to afford mobile services.

Additionally, the merger may negatively impact Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNOs) by reducing the number of network operators from 4 to 3, making it harder for MVNOs to offer competitive terms to retail customers.

While the merger could enhance mobile network quality and accelerate 5G deployment, the CMA doubts the merged firm's incentive to follow through on these promises post-merger.

The CMA is considering potential solutions to address competition concerns, including investment commitments overseen by regulators and measures to protect retail and wholesale customers.

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