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Competition Concerns in the Danish Mortgage Market

25.06.2024 | 🇩🇰 Danish competition authority

A recent report by the Danish Competition and Consumer Authority highlights concerns over the lack of customer mobility in the mortgage market and the increasing costs for households.

The Danish Competition and Consumer Authority's annual report on mortgage and priority loans reveals that despite high levels of loan restructuring, customers rarely switch mortgage institutions. This lack of mobility may be attributed to the high costs and complexity associated with changing institutions, potentially allowing existing lenders to maintain higher prices.

The report indicates a significant increase in mortgage costs for households, primarily driven by rising interest payments. While fees and commissions have remained largely unchanged since 2016, they surged between 2009 and 2016. The higher capital requirements imposed on institutions post-financial crisis led to increased fees to bolster capital reserves.

However, the justification for elevated fees has diminished as institutions now meet future capital requirements and historically enjoy high returns on equity. This suggests room for lower fee rates despite the need for adequate returns on increased capital.

The annual report stems from a political agreement in 2017 aimed at enhancing transparency and mobility in the mortgage market. The Danish Competition and Consumer Authority gathered data from five mortgage institutions, conducted surveys with 14 banks, and analyzed financial data up to the first half of 2022.

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