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Austrian Competition Authority's Decision on Market Research Cartel

10.10.2024 | 🇩đŸ‡č Austrian competition authority

The Austrian competition authority requested a fine against a businesswoman for participating in price-fixing agreements in the market research sector, leading to a court decision confirming her involvement.

The Austrian Federal Competition Authority (BWB) filed a request with the Cartel Court (KG) to impose a fine on businesswoman Edeltraud Geppel-Mikes for her involvement in price-fixing agreements among competitors in the market research industry.

After considering her limited involvement and financial capacity, BWB modified its request from a fine to a declaration of infringement during the ongoing proceedings.

The KG initially found evidence of collusion in two out of four contracts within the market research cartel, citing ongoing criminal proceedings for the other two contracts.

The Federal Cartel Prosecutor appealed this decision, leading the Supreme Court as the Cartel Court (KOG) to instruct a reconsideration by the lower court. In a subsequent hearing, KG fully upheld BWB's request for a declaration of infringement.

The investigation by BWB into the uncovered market research cartel has now concluded, with fines imposed on other companies involved in the collusion.

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