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CNMC approves a 4.09% increase in Aena's tariffs for 2024

04.02.2024 | 🇪🇸 Spanish competition authority

The Spanish competition authority, CNMC, has approved a 4.09% increase in the airport tariffs charged by Aena, which will impact the prices of airline tickets for passengers.

The CNMC has approved a resolution to supervise and control the airport tariffs set by Aena for 2024, with an average increase of 4.09% compared to 2023. The tariffs charged by Aena for using its terminals, runways, parking, security services, handling, etc., have an impact on the prices of airline tickets. The CNMC has modified Aena's proposed tariff variation to ensure stability and balance between revenues and costs. The adjustment in tariffs will affect various services provided by Aena. The consultation process between Aena and airlines for the 2024 tariffs has followed legal transparency and consultation procedures. The CNMC has outlined the improvements that need to be made in future consultations and the information that should be exchanged. The decision by the CNMC will directly affect Aena and the airlines operating in Spain, as well as indirectly impacting passengers through potential changes in ticket prices.

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