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01.07.2024 | 🇧🇪 Belgian competition authority
The Belgian Competition Authority (BCA) has given conditional approval to the merger between Ziekenhuis Netwerk Antwerpen (ZNA) and Ziekenhuis GasthuisZusters Antwerpen (GZA), forming 'Ziekenhuis aan de Stroom' (ZAS). ZNA is the largest general hospital in Belgium with seven campuses, while GZA operates a general hospital with three campuses and an outpatient clinic in the province of Antwerp.
The BCA reviewed the merger under a specific analytical framework for the hospital sector, focusing on unregulated prices, quality, and accessibility of care. While quality and accessibility were not concerning, doubts arose regarding potential price increases due to reduced competitive pressure and coordination on fee and room supplements in the Antwerp region.
To address these concerns, ZNA and GZA offered commitments to mitigate anti-competitive effects, which were accepted by the BCA after a market test. The commitments include measures to maintain competitive incentives, ensure future price levels, and safeguard ZAS' autonomy and compliance with competition law.
The commitments will be in place for three to five years, with annual reporting to monitor compliance and merger effects. The BCA's decision aims to balance the benefits of the merger with preserving competition in the hospital sector.
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