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14.04.2024 | 🇩🇪 German competition authority
The Bundeskartellamt has given the green light to Cisalfa Sport S.p.A.'s acquisition of SportScheck GmbH, marking a significant consolidation in the German sports and outdoor retail sector.
Cisalfa, an Italian company, had previously acquired Sport Voswinkel GmbH in Germany in December 2023, making its first entry into the German market. SportScheck, with 33 stores and an online shop, was part of the Signa Group, which is now undergoing insolvency proceedings.
While the merger will result in high market shares in some submarkets at the brick-and-mortar level, the Bundeskartellamt found that strong competition from other brick-and-mortar retailers and online stores would ensure competitive pressure. National market shares of Cisalfa and SportScheck are deemed unproblematic across all segments of sports and outdoor retail.
In certain regions like Hannover, Kassel, Leipzig, and Münster, the merged entities may have a strong presence in brick-and-mortar retail, but competition from major players like Decathlon, JD Sports, Intersport, and Sport 2000 buying groups will continue to exist. The significance of online retail in the sports and outdoor retail sector was highlighted during the investigations, with brick-and-mortar stores facing strong competition from online sales.
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