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Croatian Competition Agency's Recommendations on Taxi Services Regulation in Dubrovnik

08.08.2024 | 🇭🇷 Croatian competition authority

The Croatian Competition Agency issued recommendations regarding the regulation of taxi services by the local administration of the Town of Dubrovnik.

The Croatian Competition Agency (CCA) received complaints from taxi service providers alleging that the local administration of the Town of Dubrovnik restricted the provision of taxi services by introducing a new traffic regime and issuing licenses for a limited number of taxi vehicles in the old town.

After reviewing documentation, the CCA recommended that the local administration list objective criteria, including minimum vehicle requirements, for leasing parking slots and conducting future tenders. The CCA stressed the importance of ensuring comparable requirements for all taxi operators to prevent arbitrary decisions and discrimination.

The CCA emphasized the need for any tendering procedures to promote competition in the taxi service market in Dubrovnik and ensure that all categories of taxi operators have equal opportunities to provide services in line with traffic regime objectives.

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