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Success Rate of Consumer Electricity and Gas Claims in Arbitration

28.02.2024 | 🇪🇸 Spanish competition authority

The CNMC highlights the high success rate of consumer claims in electricity and gas disputes resolved through arbitration, urging companies to inform customers about this alternative dispute resolution method.

The CNMC reports that 67% of electricity and gas claims resolved through Consumer Arbitration Boards were favorable to consumers, doubling the success rate compared to claims managed directly by energy companies. Consumers are first encouraged to file complaints with their energy provider, with a success rate of 33%, before escalating to arbitration where success rates exceed 66%. Companies are mandated to inform customers about the right to arbitrate disputes, with only a minority (0.7%) of Spanish consumers utilizing this option. The Directives 2013/11/UE and 2019/944 require electricity companies to participate in alternative dispute resolution mechanisms, with specific information on dispute resolution rights to be included in electricity bills. The proposal for a new Directive by the European Parliament and Council also emphasizes common rules for natural gas markets.

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