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25.07.2024 | 🇮🇹 Italian competition authority
The Italian Competition Authority granted conditional approval for the merger involving the acquisition of Sammontana S.p.A. and Forno d’Asolo S.p.A. by Frozen Investment S.à .r.l. and Sammontana Finanziaria S.r.l. The merger would have consolidated the two main players in the frozen bakery products sector, potentially creating a dominant position.
The merger involves well-known brands such as Tre Marie, Il Pasticcere, Mongelo, Bindi, Lizzi, and Forno d’Asolo, operating in the food service channel, including bars, hotels, restaurants, and retail bakery departments.
The Authority's investigation identified a national market for frozen breakfast bakery products and highlighted concerns about the merger's anti-competitive effects. The merged entity would have had a significant market share, potentially leading to increased prices and creating competitive obstacles for smaller competitors.
To address competition concerns, the Authority imposed structural and behavioral measures on the parties. These include divestiture of a company active in the market, commitments regarding future acquisitions, and measures to enhance distribution opportunities for competitors.
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