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01.09.2024 | 🇩🇪 German competition authority
The Bundeskartellamt has cleared the formation of two hydrogen technology joint ventures between Voith Group and Weifu High-Tech Group Co., Ltd. One joint venture will focus on manufacturing hydrogen tanks for heavy-duty vehicles in China, while the other will operate in the global market excluding China.
The President of the Bundeskartellamt, Andreas Mundt, highlighted that the market for hydrogen-based drive solutions in freight transport is still in early commercialization stages. The growth of this market will depend on various factors, including the development of competing technologies and potential applications. The approval was granted in the first phase of merger control, with no competition concerns raised.
The competitive assessment found no overlaps between Voith and Weifu that could raise concerns. The analysis also considered potential effects along the value chain and in other business areas. It was concluded that the joint ventures are unlikely to impede competitors in the storage systems sector or lead to supply foreclosure.
Voith Group, a German industrial group, specializes in machines and technologies for energy, paper, raw materials, and transport sectors. Weifu High-Tech Group Co., Ltd, a Chinese automotive supplier indirectly controlled by the Chinese state, has a diverse portfolio across various sectors through its parent company, Wuxi Industry Development Group.
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