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UOKiK President accuses Polskie Destylarnie of unfair practices in "Skarbiec Palikota" campaign

07.02.2024 | 🇵🇱 Polish competition authority

The President of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection (UOKiK) has initiated proceedings against Polskie Destylarnie for alleged violations of consumer interests in their "Skarbiec Palikota" loan campaign.

The President of UOKiK, Tomasz Chróstny, has launched an investigation into Polskie Destylarnie for their "Skarbiec Palikota" loan campaign, accusing the company of deceptive practices such as offering a fictitious car as a prize, debt rollovers, and taking credit for others' achievements. The investigation focuses on potential violations of consumer interests and misleading advertising. Polskie Destylarnie may face penalties of up to 10% of their turnover, while the responsible individual could be fined up to PLN 2 million. The case has been referred to the prosecutor's office. The affected industry is Alcohol, and the legal areas concerned are Unfair Competition and Consumer Protection.

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