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Competition Council of Latvia organizes seminar on joint procurement participation

30.05.2024 | šŸ‡±šŸ‡» Latvian competition authority

The Competition Council of Latvia is hosting a free educational seminar on companies' joint participation in procurement processes, focusing on compliance with competition law.

The Competition Council of Latvia is inviting representatives of companies and other interested parties to participate in a free educational seminar on joint participation in procurement processes. The seminar will take place online on June 11 from 11:00 to 12:30 via the MS Teams platform.

During the seminar, representatives from the Prohibited Agreements Department will explain the prerequisites for market participants who actively engage in procurement procedures, especially when forming consortia and agreeing on joint bids, ensuring compliance with competition law.

The seminar will cover topics such as conditions to avoid breaching competition law when submitting joint bids, guidelines developed by the Competition Council and their practical application, as well as examples illustrating how issues related to joint bid submissions in procurement have been assessed in practice.

Interested participants need to register in advance by filling out a registration form by June 10 at 15:00 to receive the seminar link. Additionally, the Competition Council encourages individuals to familiarize themselves with the guidelines on joint bid submissions available on their website.

For any inquiries, individuals are advised to contact the Senior Communication Specialist of the Competition Council, Paula Celma, via email at paula.celma@kp.gov.lv or by calling 68206980.

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