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Antitrust Fine Imposed on Major White Goods Company Following Dispute Settlement Procedure

19.06.2024 | 🇬🇷 Greek competition authority

A major white goods company was fined after being found in violation of competition laws for engaging in price-fixing practices with retail stores, following a dispute settlement procedure.

The Hellenic Competition Commission imposed a reduced fine of €46,160 on the company 'MIELE Greece' for breaching articles 1 of Law 3959/2011 and 101 TFEU, related to vertical collusion in the market of large/white household electrical appliances.

The company voluntarily submitted to the Dispute Settlement Procedure and was found to have participated in prohibited vertical collusion practices, leading to significant compliance by retail stores. The violation occurred from July 17, 2021, to June 24, 2022, restricting competition by its nature.

As per the decision, 'MIELE Greece' is required to cease and refrain from future violations of the aforementioned competition laws. Additionally, the company was fined for the established breaches.

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