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30.09.2024 | š±š» Latvian competition authority
The merger involves 'Linas Agro' and 'Elagro Trade' whose activities in Latvia overlap in the procurement, primary processing, storage, and trading of grains and seeds, as well as supplying agricultural inputs to farmers.
'Linas Agro' is part of AB Akola Group, engaged in the production and trade of various agricultural materials across Europe and globally, while in Latvia, it focuses on grain and oilseed procurement, processing, storage, and trading, among other activities.
On the other hand, 'Elagro Trade' primarily deals with the procurement, processing, storage, and trading of grains, seeds, fertilizers, and plant protection products, as well as transportation and sales of agricultural products.
The Competition Council must make a decision on allowing, prohibiting, or approving the merger with binding conditions within one month of receiving the notification, which can be extended up to three months for further investigation if needed.
Market participants or other interested parties have until October 21, 2024, to provide their opinions on the merger's impact on competition by contacting the Competition Council's senior expert or filling out a public opinion survey on the Council's website.
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