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16.09.2024 | 🇵🇱 Polish competition authority
The UOKiK imposed fines totaling over 238 million PLN on Iveco Poland and the distributors, with an additional 2.5 million PLN fines on 10 managers involved in the illegal activities. The companies unlawfully divided the market and fixed prices of the sold vehicles.
The market-sharing agreement between Iveco Poland and the distributors lasted nearly 10 years, from June 2009 to May 2019. They allocated territories among themselves, directing potential buyers to specific distributors or discouraging them from seeking alternative offers.
Iveco Poland enforced the market division through discounts and bonuses, pressuring dealers to refrain from selling to customers outside their designated areas. Dealers actively participated by sharing customer information and coordinating offers to customers, avoiding price competition.
The UOKiK President, Tomasz Chróstny, imposed fines exceeding 238 million PLN, with over 155 million PLN on Iveco Poland. Additionally, 10 individuals, including managers from various companies, received fines totaling over 2.5 million PLN for their roles in the anti-competitive practices.
Businesses affected by anticompetitive behavior can seek compensation under the law on private enforcement for damages caused by competition law violations. The UOKiK provides information on leniency programs to help companies and managers avoid severe penalties.
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