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02.07.2024 | 🇧🇪 Belgian competition authority
The Belgian Competition Authority has fined Securitas, G4S, and Seris a total of 47 million euros for participating in cartel practices in the private security services sector from 2008 to 2020. The practices included price fixing, bid rigging, and no-poaching agreements.
The companies acknowledged their involvement in the cartel practices and accepted a settlement proposed by the BCA's Investigation and Prosecution Service. The BCA found that these practices distorted competition in the supply of private security services in Belgium, violating both Belgian and EU competition rules.
The infringement involved setting minimum hourly rates for security guards, coordinating bidding intentions in public procurement, and agreeing on prices among the companies. Additionally, the companies had arrangements not to hire each other's employees, which the BCA deemed illegal under competition rules.
Under the leniency program, Securitas received full immunity from fines, while G4S and Seris benefited from reduced fines after contributing to establishing the facts of the infringement. Eleven individuals obtained immunity from prosecution, with proceedings ongoing for one individual.
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