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BWB Appoints Three New Deputies in Leadership Roles

19.06.2024 | 🇦🇹 Austrian competition authority

The Austrian Federal Competition Authority (BWB) has announced the appointment of three new deputy heads, strengthening its leadership team.

The Austrian Federal Competition Authority (BWB) has appointed new deputies to lead the newly established Case Department A and Case Department B. Matthias Ranftl will serve as the deputy for Case Department A, while Lisa Marie Pötzelsberger will be the deputy for Case Department B. Additionally, Beatrix Krauskopf has been appointed as the deputy head of the Legal Department.

Matthias Ranftl LL.M., LL.M., BSc. has been working as a legal expert at BWB since 2019, with a focus on investigating complex cartel cases and telecommunications. Dr. Lisa Pötzelsberger, on the other hand, has been a BWB legal expert since 2018, specializing in guiding cartel court proceedings and raids.

Furthermore, Beatrix Krauskopf has been named the deputy head of the Legal Department, led by Alexander Koprivnikar. Dr. Beatrix Krauskopf LL.M. has been a legal expert at BWB since 2014, with expertise in raids, investigations in cartel cases, constitutional and administrative law.

The appointments aim to create new career opportunities and establish an experienced leadership team to support and shape the work of the BWB, according to BWB's General Director for Competition, Natalie Harsdorf.

For more details on the current organizational structure, refer to: <a href='https://www.bwb.gv.at/fileadmin/user_upload/Geschaeftseinteilung_3.6.2024.pdf'>BWB Organizational Structure</a>

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