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Spanish Consumers Rate Internet and Mobile Telephony Services Highest

17.10.2024 | 馃嚜馃嚫 Spanish competition authority

Internet and mobile telephony services were the most highly rated by Spanish consumers in the second quarter of 2024, according to the latest CNMC Household Panel.

Internet and mobile telephony services received the highest satisfaction ratings among Spanish consumers in the second quarter of 2024, with 71.9% and 70.6% respectively.

Broadband and pay TV followed closely behind in satisfaction levels, with 64.1% and 63.8% of customers satisfied.

Customer satisfaction increased across all services compared to the same period in 2023.

Gas was the least favored service, but it showed the most improvement in satisfaction levels over the past year, followed by electricity.

Price remained the primary reason for dissatisfaction among users, particularly for electricity and gas services.

For the first time since 2015, broadband quality, not price, was the main concern for dissatisfied households.

The CNMC's Household Panel also highlighted broadband as the most complained-about service in the second quarter of 2024, followed by fixed-line telephony.

The CNMC's Household Panel is a biannual survey that gathers data directly from citizens to understand consumer perspectives across various sectors.

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