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Court of Justice Upholds Fine in Scania Cartel Case

31.01.2024 | đŸ‡ªđŸ‡º Court of Justice of the EU

The Court of Justice has dismissed Scania's appeal and upheld the fine of €880.520 million imposed by the European Commission for its participation in a cartel on the truck market.

The Court of Justice has upheld the fine imposed by the European Commission on Scania for its participation in a cartel on the truck market. The Commission found that Scania, along with other companies, had infringed EU law by participating in collusive arrangements aimed at restricting competition in the market for medium and heavy trucks in the European Economic Area. Scania appealed the decision to the General Court, which dismissed the action, and the Court of Justice has now upheld that decision. The Court found that Scania failed to demonstrate that the administrative procedure complied with the principle of impartiality and dismissed Scania's arguments regarding the geographic scope of its conduct and the establishment of a single and continuous infringement. The Court also confirmed that the infringement ended on 18 January 2011 and that the Commission's power to impose a fine was not time-barred.

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