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18.06.2024 | 🇱🇻 Latvian competition authority
The Competition Council (KP) is organizing a webinar to educate association representatives on the application of competition law, as recent practices have shown that associations may not be fully aware of their obligations under competition law.
Associations and their members engaging in economic activities are subject to competition law regulations, which may differ in interpretation from other areas such as taxation, leading to potential uncertainties and the need for a clear understanding of what constitutes economic activities under competition law.
Associations often carry out economic activities in the context of delegated state tasks, making it crucial for them to avoid restricting competition, for example, by imposing unjustified barriers to market entry or discriminating against market participants dependent on the association's functions.
The webinar will cover topics such as the applicability of competition law to associations, considerations for associations with delegated state tasks, prohibited activities that restrict competition by associations, and practical examples from Latvia and the EU.
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