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CMA outlines approach to new digital markets competition regime

11.01.2024 | 🇬🇧 UK competition authority

The UK's Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has published an overview of its approach to the new digital markets competition regime proposed by the Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers (DMCC) Bill.

The CMA has detailed the principles that will guide its approach to the new digital markets competition regime, including tailoring actions to specific problems, engaging with stakeholders, and operating with transparency. The regime will apply to firms designated with Strategic Market Status (SMS) in relation to digital activities, and the CMA plans to start 3 to 4 SMS investigations within the first year. The CMA will take targeted and proportionate action to address unfair competitive advantage, such as imposing conduct requirements on designated firms. Stakeholder engagement is crucial, and the CMA is visiting major digital firms in the US to explain the regime and gain a deeper understanding of their businesses. Once the DMCC Bill is passed, the CMA will release more detailed draft guidance for consultation.

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