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Enter Air Faces Allegations of Misleading Practices by the President of the Polish Competition Authority

10.07.2024 | 🇵🇱 Polish competition authority

The President of the Polish Competition Authority has accused Enter Air of misleading consumers and potentially harming their collective interests.

The President of the Polish Competition Authority has accused Enter Air, a Polish airline specializing in charter flights, of engaging in practices that mislead consumers and may harm their collective interests. The allegations stem from numerous complaints regarding issues with baggage claims and flight delays.

Enter Air is accused of making it difficult for consumers to file baggage-related claims within the legally required timeframe of 14 days. The airline allegedly fails to respond to claims promptly and imposes additional requirements on consumers, potentially infringing on their rights.

Moreover, Enter Air is accused of providing consumers with misleading information regarding its liability for delayed baggage delivery and the compensation for damaged or lost baggage. The airline is also alleged to offer settlements below the legally mandated compensation amount for flight delays.

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