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CMA Urges Grocery Stores to Ensure Accurate Pricing

08.05.2024 | 🇬🇧 UK competition authority

The CMA has conducted a review of grocery retailers' pricing practices, finding instances of inaccurate pricing and failures to display prices, leading to a call for compliance with consumer law.

The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has reviewed the price marking practices of 139 grocery stores in England and Wales, identifying issues such as inaccurate pricing and missing price displays, which are violations of consumer law.

The majority of problems were observed at independent food stores and symbol convenience stores, with common issues including missing prices, conflicting price information, and inadequate display proximity to products.

60% of pricing errors resulted in customers being charged a higher price at the till, prompting the CMA to publish compliance materials to assist retailers in understanding and adhering to legal requirements.

The CMA's efforts are aimed at ensuring shoppers can make informed decisions based on accurate pricing information, particularly during times when saving money is crucial for many consumers.

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