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Latvian Competition Council to Review Merger of Construction Companies by PD Capital

27.11.2024 | 🇱🇻 Latvian competition authority

Latvian Competition Council received a merger notification from PD Capital regarding the acquisition of two construction companies, potentially impacting the residential and non-residential building construction services market.

Latvian Competition Council (KP) received a merger notification from PD Capital, a holding company in Latvia, planning to acquire SIA 'PRO GROUP' and SIA SPYKE, both engaged in residential and non-residential building construction services.

PD Capital operates as a holding company for various construction-related businesses, involved in real estate management, residential and non-residential building construction, and construction project development. Prior to the transaction, PD Capital already exercises significant influence over SIA 'PRO GROUP'.

SIA 'PRO GROUP' focuses on residential and non-residential building construction, particularly in multi-apartment renovation projects, project administration, construction planning and management, and construction project supervision.

SIA SPYKE, the other target of the merger, is engaged in residential and non-residential building construction, with a specialization in infrastructure and communication construction works, project administration, construction planning and management, and construction project supervision.

The merger participants operate in the same horizontally related market, providing residential and non-residential building construction services. The decision on the merger approval, prohibition, or approval with binding conditions must be made within one month of receiving the notification, extendable up to three months for further in-depth investigation.

Market participants or other interested parties willing to provide opinions on the merger's impact on competition are invited to contact KP economist Sanda Blaua or fill out the opinion survey on the KP website by December 5, 2024.

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