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Autorité de la concurrence fines 11 companies in pre-cast concrete cartels

02.06.2024 | 🇫🇷 French competition authority

The Autorité de la concurrence has imposed fines on 11 companies in the pre-cast concrete products sector for engaging in cartel behavior, involving price-fixing and market sharing practices.

The Autorité de la concurrence has fined 11 companies a total of €76,645,000 for participating in four cartels in the pre-cast concrete products sector. The cartels' anticompetitive practices, dating back to the 1980s, included price-fixing, market sharing, and exchanging sensitive information.

Leniency applications from companies like KP1 and Rector revealed additional anticompetitive practices beyond the initial investigation, impacting competition in calls to tender and pricing strategies. The Autorité's decision may lead to criminal proceedings, supported by intercepted phone calls and raids.

Companies engaging in cartel behavior face severe penalties, as evidenced by the fines imposed. Compliance with competition regulations is crucial to avoid fines and legal consequences. Seeking leniency can help companies reduce fines and potential legal actions, emphasizing the importance of prompt action and providing evidence for immunity or reduced penalties.

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