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04.07.2024 | đź‡đź‡ş Hungarian competition authority
The Hungarian Competition Authority (GVH) has launched a competition proceeding to examine the billing practices of MVM Next Energiakereskedelmi Zrt. The main issue under scrutiny is whether the company complies with relevant legal requirements when presenting savings in the 'utility box'. The investigation also covers information related to universal service for gas and electricity.
The GVH received a complaint about MVM's billing practices in autumn 2023. Following a thorough review of the complaint, including data requests and evaluation of relevant facts, the GVH initially concluded that the conditions for initiating a competition proceeding were not met.
After the closure of the complaint, the complainant exercised their legal right to appeal and the court ruled in favor of initiating a competition proceeding, leading to the current investigation. The GVH is now examining whether the savings presented in the 'utility box' on invoices issued by MVM Next since August 2022 comply with laws against unfair commercial practices.
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